Yuh-Rau Wang
¤ý·¶ÄÇ Prof. Yuh-Rau Wang, Ph.D.
²{¾ (Present Position)
¡P ¸t¬ù¿«¬ì§Þ¤j¾Ç ¸ê°T¤uµ{¨t(©Ò) ±M¥ô±Ð±Â ¾Ç¾ú (Education) ¡P °ê¥ß¥xÆW¬ì§Þ¤j¾Ç¹q¾÷¤uµ{¬ã¨s©Òpºâ¾÷²Õ(¸ê°T»P³q°T²Õ) ³Õ¤h ¡P ¯Ã¬ùPolytechnic University, Brooklyn®Õ°Ï¡Apºâ¾÷¬ì¾Ç¬ã¨s©Ò ºÓ¤h ¡P °ê¥ß¦¨¥\¤j¾Ç ¹q¾÷¤uµ{¾Ç¨t ¾Ç¤h
¸g¾ú (Employment History) ¡P ¸t¬ù¿«¬ì§Þ¤j¾Ç ¹q¸ê¾Ç°|°|ªø ¡P ¸t¬ù¿«¬ì§Þ¤j¾Ç ¸ê°T¤uµ{¨t¨t¥D¥ô Chairman, Department of Computer Science and Information
Engineering, St. John's University, 2005/8~ 2010/9 ¡P
¸t¬ù¿«¬ì§Þ¤j¾Ç ¸ê°T¤uµ{¨t±M¥ô±Ð±Â ¡P ¸t¬ù¿«¬ì§Þ¤j¾Ç ¸ê°T¤uµ{¨t±M¥ô°Æ±Ð±Â ¡P Äõ¶§§Þ³N¾Ç°| ¹q¤l¤uµ{¨t±M¥ôÁ¿®v ¡P ´_¿³¤u°Ó±M®Õ(Äõ¶§§Þ³N¾Ç°|) ¸ê°TºÞ²z¬ì¥D¥ô ¡P ´_¿³¤u°Ó±M®Õ(Äõ¶§§Þ³N¾Ç°|) ¹qºâ¤¤¤ß¥D¥ô ¡P ©úùÖ¹q¸£¤½¥q ¼v¹³²£«~¬ã®i³¡¸g²z ¡P ©úùÖ¹q¸£¤½¥q ¶gÃä¤ÎASIC¨Æ·~¸sCARD²£«~¬ã®i³¡¸g²z ¡P §»ùÖ¹q¸£¤½¥q ¶gÃä¤ÎASIC¨Æ·~¸s¬ã®i¤¤¤ß°Æ²z ¡P ©úùÖ¹q¸£¤½¥q ²£«~¶}µo³¡°Æ²z ¡P ¯Ã¬ùSpectrum Communication &
Electronics Corp.À³¥Î¤uµ{®v ¡P ¤ý¦w(¦w·½)¹q¸£¤½¥q ¥D¥ô¤uµ{®v ¡P ÁnÄ_¤½¥q ¬ã¨s¤uµ{®v ¡P ¹w³Æx©x - ¾Ë§L¥q¥O³¡ ³q«H©x ´¿Á¿±Â¹L¤§½Òµ{¡Gpºâ¾÷·§½×¡B²Õ¦X»y¨¥¡BÅÞ¿è³]p¡B¸ê®Æµ²ºc¡Bµ{¦¡³]p¡B¨t²Îµ{¦¡¡B§@·~¨t²Î¡B¼Æ¦ì¨t²Î¾É½×¡BÂ÷´²¼Æ¾Ç¡B½sĶ¾¹¡B³nÅé¤uµ{¡B¨t²Î¤ÀªR»P³]p¡Bpºâ¾÷ºô¸ô¡Bpºâ¾÷¹Ï¾Ç¡Bpºâ¾÷²Õ´»Pµ²ºc¡B´O¤J¦¡¨t²Î·§½×¡B´O¤J¦¡¨t²Î³]p¡Bºtºâªkµ¥½Òµ{¡B±MÃD»s§@¡B±MÃD¬ã°Q¡C ¬ã¨s»â°ì(Research
Area) ºtºâªk¡B¥¦æpºâ¡B¼v¹³³B²z¡Bpºâ´X¦ó¡B¥i«²Õpºâ¨t²Î¡B¤À´²³B²z µÛ§@ (Publications)
´Á¥Z½×¤å 1.
Ling Yang*, Yuh-Rau Wang,
and Suzanne Pai, ¡§Statistical and Economic Analyses of a Novel EWMA-based
Synthesized Control Scheme for Monitoring Processes with Outliers,¡¨ accepted
and to appear in International Journal of Systems Science, 2010. (SCI, EI).¡iImpact factor = 0.918@2009¡j¡iRank factor: Automation & Control Systems: 36/59¡j 2. Yuh-Rau Wang*, Wei-Hung
Lin, and Ling Yang, ¡§An Intelligent Watermarking Method Based on Particle Swarm
Optimization,¡¨ Expert Systems with Applications, vol. 38, no. 7,
pp. 8024-8029, 2011. (SCI, EI), (pµe½s¸¹¡GNSC-98-2221-E-129-011
and NSC-99-2221-E-129-017). ¡iImpact factor = 2.908@2009¡j¡iRank factor: Operations Research & Management Science: 3/73¡j 3.
Ling-Yuan Hsu, Shi-Jinn Horng*, Pingzhi
Fan, Muhammad Khurram Khan, Yuh-Rau Wang, Ray-Shine Run, and Jui-Lin
Lai, ¡§MTPSO Algorithm for Solving Planar Graph Coloring Problem,¡¨ Expert
Systems with Applications, vol. 38, no.5, pp. 5525-5531, 2011. (SCI, EI), ¡iImpact factor = 2.908@2009¡j¡iRank factor: Operations Research & Management Science: 3/73¡j 4.
Wang*, Wei-Hung Lin, and Shi-Jinn Horng, ¡§A
Sliding Window Technique for Efficient License Plate Localization Based on
Discrete Wavelet Transform,¡¨ Expert Systems with Applications, vol. 38, no. 4, pp. 3142-3146, 2011. (SCI, EI), (pµe½s¸¹¡GNSC-97-2221-E-129-007 and NSC-98-2221-E-129-011).¡iImpact factor = 2.908@2009¡j¡iRank factor: Operations Research &
Management Science: 3/73¡j 5.
Wei-Hung Lin, Yuh-Rau
Wang*, Shi-Jinn Horng,
Tzong-Wann Kao, and Yi Pan, ¡§A Blind Watermarking
Method Using Maximum Wavelet Coefficient Quantization,¡¨
Expert Systems with Applications, vol. 36, no. 9, pp. 11509-11516,
2009. (SCI, EI), (pµe½s¸¹¡GNSC-97-2221-E-129-007). ¡iImpact factor = 2.908@2009¡j¡iRank
factor: Operations Research & Management Science: 3/73¡j 6.
Ling Yang*, Yuh-Rau Wang and
Suzanne Pai, ¡§On-line SPC with Consideration of Learning Curve,¡¨ Computers & Industrial Engineering, vol.
57, no. 3, pp. 1089-1095, 2009. (SCI, EI), (pµe½s¸¹¡GNSC-97-2221-E-129-007). ¡iImpact
factor = 1.491@2009¡j¡iRank factor: Engineering,
Industrial = 10/37¡j 7.
Wei-Hung Lin, Yuh-Rau
Wang*, and Shi-Jinn Horng, ¡§A Wavelet-tree-based Watermarking Method
Using Distance Vector of Binary Cluster,¡¨ Expert Systems with
Applications, vol. 36, no. 6, pp. 9869-9878, 2009. (SCI, EI), (pµe½s¸¹¡GNSC-97-2221-E-129-007). ¡iImpact factor = 2.908@2009¡j¡iRank
factor: Operations Research & Management Science: 3/73¡j 8.
Yuh-Rau Wang*, ¡§A Novel O(1) Time Algorithm for 3D Block-Based Medial Axis
Transform by Peeling Corner Shells,¡¨ Parallel Computing,
vol. 35, no. 2, pp. 72-82, 2009. (SCI, EI).
¡iImpact factor = 1.125@2009¡j¡iRank factor: Computer Science,
Theory & Methods = 45/91¡j 9.
Chin-Hsiung Wu*, Shi-Jinn Horng,
Ching-Feng Wen and Yuh-Rau Wang, ¡§Fast and Scalable Computations
of 2-D Image Moments,¡¨ Image and Vision Computing, vol.
26, no. 6, pp. 799-811, 2008. (SCI, EI). (pµe½s¸¹¡GNSC-95-2221-E-129-009)
¡iImpact factor = 1.474@2009¡j¡iRank factor: Computer Science, Theory &
Methods = 26/91¡j 10. Jywe-Fei Fang*, Yuh-Rau Wang
and Hui-Ling Huang, ¡§The m-Pancycle Connectivity of a WK-Recursive
Network,¡¨ Information Sciences,
vol. 177, no. 24, pp. 5611-5619, 2007. (SCI, EI). (pµe½s¸¹¡GNSC-95-2221-E-129-009).
¡iImpact factor = 3.291@2009¡j¡iRank factor: Computer Science,
Information Systems = 6/116¡j 11.
Yuh-Rau Wang*, ¡§An Efficient O(1) Time 3D All Nearest Neighbor Algorithm from
Image Processing Perspective,¡¨ Journal of Parallel and Distributed
Computing, vol. 67, pp. 1082-1091, 2007.
(SCI, EI). (pµe½s¸¹¡GNSC-94-2213-E-129-012). ¡iImpact factor = 1.135@2009¡j¡iRank factor: Computer Science, Theory & Methods = 44/91¡j 12.
Chin-Hsiung Wu*, Shi-Jinn Horng, Yuh-Rau
Wang and Horng-Ren Tsai, ¡§Optimal Geometric Algorithms for Digitized
Images on Arrays with Reconfigurable Optical Buses,¡¨ Microprocessors and
Microsystems, vol. 30, no. 7, pp. 425-434, 2006. (SCI, EI). (pµe½s¸¹¡GNSC-94-2213-E-129-012).
¡iImpact factor = 0.516@2009¡j¡iRank factor: Computer Science, Hardware & Architecture = 38/49¡j 13.
Yuh-Rau Wang*, Shi-Jinn Horng and Chin-Hsiung Wu,
¡§Efficient Algorithms for All Nearest Neighbor and Closest Pair Problems on the
Linear Array with a Reconfigurable Pipelined Bus System,¡¨ IEEE
Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, vol. 16, no.
3, pp. 193-206, Mar. 2005, (SCI, EI), (pµe½s¸¹¡GNSC-93-2213-E-129-011).¡iImpact factor = 1.733@2009¡j¡iRank factor: Computer
Science, Theory & Methods = 20/91¡j 14.
Yuh-Rau Wang and Shi-Jinn Horng*, ¡§Parallel Algorithms for Arbitrary Dimensional
Euclidean Distance Transforms with Applications on Arrays with Reconfigurable
Optical Buses,¡¨ IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics - Part
B: Cybernetics, vol. 34, no. 1, pp. 517-532, Feb. 2004, (SCI,
EI). (pµe½s¸¹¡GNSC-89-2213-E-011-007)¡iImpact factor = 3.007@2009¡j¡iRank factor: Computer
Science, Cybernetics = 2/19¡j 15.
Yuh-Rau Wang and Shi-Jinn Horng*, ¡§An O(1) Time Parallel Algorithm for the 3D
Euclidean Distance Transform on the CRCW PRAM Model,¡¨ IEEE Transactions
on Parallel and Distributed Systems, vol. 14, no. 10, pp.
973-982, Oct. 2003, (SCI, EI). (pµe½s¸¹¡GNSC-89-2213-E-011-007)¡iImpact factor = 1.733@2009¡j¡iRank factor: Computer
Science, Theory & Methods = 20/91¡j 16.
Yuh-Rau Wang, Shi-Jinn Horng*, Yu-Hua Lee and
Pei-Zong Lee, ¡§Parallel Algorithms for Higher-Dimensional Euclidean Distance
Transforms with Applications,¡¨ IEICE Transactions on Information and
Systems, vol. E86-D, no. 9, pp. 1586-1593, Sep. 2003, (SCI, EI). ¡iImpact factor = 0.396@2009¡j¡iRank factor: Computer Science, Software
Engineering = 85/93¡j 17. Chin-Hsiung
Wu, Shi-Jinn Horng* and Yuh-Rau Wang, ¡§Computing Shape¡¦s Moments
via Rectangular Decomposition on Arrays with Reconfigurable Optical Buses,¡¨ International
Journal of Applied Mathematics, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 91-106, 2000. Ph.D. Dissertation (³Õ¤h½×¤å) Yuh-Rau Wang, Designing Efficient Algorithms for Some Three-Dimensional Digital
Image Processing and Computational Geometry Problems, Ph.D. Dissertation of National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, 2003. ¬ã°Q·|½×¤å: 1. Yuh-Rau
Wang*, Wei-Hung Lin, and Ling Yang, ¡§A
Blind PSO Watermarking Using Wavelet Trees Quantization,¡¨ Proc. of the
International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics 2011 (ICMLC2011),
Guilin, Guangxi, China, pp.1612-1616, Jul. 10-13, 2011. (pµe½s¸¹¡GNSC 99-2221-E-129-017). 2.
Yuh-Rau Wang*, Wei-Hung Lin, and Ling Yang, ¡§An Intelligent PSO Watermarking,¡¨ Proc. of the 9th
International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics (ICMLC2010), Qingdao,
China, pp. 2555-2558, Jul. 11-14, 2010. (pµe½s¸¹¡GNSC-98-2221-E-129-011). 3.
Ling Yang*, Suzanne Pai, and Yuh-Rau
Wang, ¡§A Novel CUSUM Median Control Chart,¡¨ Proc. of International
MultiConference of Engineers and Computer Scientists 2010 (IMECS 2010), Hong Kong, Mar. 17-19, 2010. 4.
Wei-Hung Lin, Yuh-Rau Wang*, and Shi-Jinn Horng, ¡§Digital Image Watermarking for Malicious Attacks,¡¨ Proc. of the
9th Int¡¦l Conf. on Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing
(ICA3PP2009), LNCS 5574, Springer, Taipei, Taiwan, pp. 234-241, Jun. 8-11, 2009 (EI). 5.
Wei-Hung Lin, Yuh-Rau Wang*, and Shi-Jinn Horng, ¡§A Digital Watermarking Method Using Binary Cluster,¡¨ Proc. of the 9th Int¡¦l Conf. on Algorithms and
Architectures for Parallel Processing (ICA3PP2009), LNCS 5574, Springer, Taipei,
Taiwan, pp. 165-174, Jun. 8-11, 2009 (EI).
Wei-Hung Lin, Yuh-Rau Wang*,
and Shi-Jinn Horng, ¡§A Novel Blind Watermarking Using Hybrid Embedding
Technique,¡¨ Proc. of the 9th Int¡¦l Conf. on Algorithms and Architectures for
Parallel Processing (ICA3PP2009), LNCS 5574, Springer, Taipei, Taiwan, pp.
175-181, Jun. 8-11, 2009 (EI). 7.
Wei-Hung Lin, Yuh-Rau Wang*,
and Shi-Jinn Horng, ¡§A Block-based Watermarking Method Using Wavelet
Coefficient Quantization,¡¨ Proc. of the 9th
Int¡¦l Conf. on Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing (ICA3PP2009),
LNCS 5574, Springer, Taipei, Taiwan, pp. 156-164, Jun. 8-11, 2009 (EI). 8.
Yuh-Rau Wang*, Wei-Hung Lin,
and Shi-Jinn Horng, ¡§Fast License Plate Localization Using Discrete Wavelet
Transform,¡¨ Proc. of the 9th Int¡¦l Conf. on Algorithms and Architectures for
Parallel Processing (ICA3PP2009), LNCS 5574, Springer, Taipei,
Taiwan, pp. 408-415, Jun. 8-11, 2009 (EI).
Wei-Hung Lin, Yuh-Rau
Wang*, Shi-Jinn Horng, ¡§A Blind Watermarking Scheme Based on Wavelet
Tree Quantization,¡¨ Proc. of the Second IEEE International Conference on
Secure System Integration and Reliability Improvement (IEEE SSIRI 2008), Yokohama,
Japan, pp. 89-95, July 14-17, 2008. 10.
Wei-Hung Lin, Shi-Jinn Horng*, Tzong-Wann
Kao, Yuh-Rau Wang, Cheng-Ling Lee and Yi Pan, ¡§Digital Image
Watermarking with 1/T Rate Forward Error Correction to Malicious Attacks,¡¨ Proc.
of the 25th Workshop on Combinatorial Mathematics and Computation Theory, HsinChu, Taiwan, pp. 390-397, Apr. 25-26, 2008. 11. Ling Yang*, Suzanne
Pai, and Yuh-Rau Wang, "Integrating Mean and Median Charts
for Monitoring an Outlier-Existing Process," Proc. of the Int'l
MultiConference of Engineers and Computer Scientists 2008-IMECS¡¦08 - ICINDE¡¦08,
Kowloon, Hong Kong, pp. 1523-1527, Mar. 19-21, 2008. 12.
Ling Yang* and Yuh-Rau Wang,
¡§EWMA-Based Synthesized Control Scheme with Outliers Consideration,¡¨ Proc.
of the 8th Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering & Management System &
2007 Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineering Conference (APIEMS & CIIE
Conference 2007), Kaohsiung, Taiwan, Dec. 9-13, 2007. 13. Ling Yang* and Yuh-Rau
Wang, ¡§Quality Control Scheme with Learning Effect Consideration,¡¨ Proc.
of the 2007 IEEE Int'l Conf. on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (IEEE SMC 2007),
Montréal, Quebec, Canada, pp. 2889-2893, Oct. 7-10, 2007,
(EI). 14. Yuh-Rau Wang*, ¡§Efficient
Block-Based Medial Axis Transform Algorithms Based on L¡Û Metric,¡¨ Proc. of
the 2006 IEEE Int'l Conf. on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (IEEE SMC 2006), Taipei,
Taiwan, pp. 3978-3982, Oct. 8-11, 2006, (EI). 15. Sih-Ying Lin¡BShi-Jinn Horng*, Tzong-Wann Kao
and Yuh-Rau Wang, ¡§An O(1) Time Parallel Algorithm for the
Dominance Counting and 3D Block-Based Medial Axis Transform on AROB¡¨, Proc.
of the Fifth Int'l Conf. on Parallel and Distributed Computing, Applications
and Technologies (PDCAT'05), Dalian, China, pp. 603-609, Dec. 5-8, 2005. 16. Yuh-Rau Wang*, ¡§Fast Algorithms
for Block-Based Medial Axis Transform on the LARPBS,¡¨ Proc. of the 2005 IEEE
Int'l Conf. on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (IEEE SMC 2005), Hawaii, USA,
pp. 3616-3621, Oct. 10-12, 2005, (EI). 17. Yuh-Rau Wang*, Shi-Jinn Horng and
Hung-Chang Chan, ¡§Fast All Nearest Neighbor Algorithms from Image Processing
Perspective,¡¨ Proc. of the 19th IEEE Int'l Parallel and Distributed
Processing Symposium (IEEE IPDPS 2005), Denver, Colorado, USA, Apr. 4-8, 2005, (EI). 18. Yuh-Rau Wang* and Shi-Jinn Horng,
¡§Constant Time Algorithms for the 3-D All Nearest Neighbor Problem on the
LARPBS,¡¨ Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS 3320, pp. 243-247, Springer,
Dec. 2004, (SCI Expanded). 19. Yuh-Rau Wang and Shi-Jinn Horng*,
¡§An O(1) Time Parallel Algorithm for the 3D Euclidean Distance Transform on the
CRCW PRAM Model,¡¨ Proc. of the IASTED Int'l Conf. on Networks, Parallel and
Distributed Processing and Applications (NPDPA'02), Tsukuba, Japan, pp.
419-424, Oct. 2-4, 2002. 20. Yuh-Rau Wang, Shi-Jinn Horng*,
Yu-Hua Lee and Pei-Zong Lee, ¡§Parallel Algorithms for Higher-Dimensional
Euclidean Distance Transforms with Applications,¡¨ Proc. of the Third Int'l
Conf. on Parallel and Distributed Computing, Applications and Technologies (PDCAT'02),
Kanazawa, Japan, pp.159-166, Sep. 2-4, 2002. 21. Yuh-Rau Wang and Shi-Jinn Horng*,
¡§An O(1) Time Parallel Algorithm for the 3D Euclidean Distance Transform on the
AROB,¡¨ Proc. of the Int'l Conf. on Parallel and Distributed Processing
Techniques and Applications (PDPTA'02), Las Vegas, USA, pp. 1120-1126, June
24-27, 2002. 22. Yuh-Rau Wang, Shi-Jinn Horng*,
Yu-Hua Lee and Pei-Zong Lee, ¡§Optimal Parallel Algorithms for the 3D Euclidean
Distance Transforms on the CRCW and EREW PRAM Models¡¨, Proc. of the 19th Workshop
on Combinatorial Mathematics and Computation Theory, National Sun Yat-Sen University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, pp. 209-218, March 29-30, 2002. 23. Chin-Hsiung Wu,
Shi-Jinn Horng* and Yuh-Rau Wang, ¡§Parallel Algorithm for
Computing Shape's Moments on Arrays with Reconfigurable Optical Buses,¡¨ Proc.
of the 4th Int'l Conf. on Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing
(ICA3PP2000), Hong Kong, pp. 136-147, Dec. 11-13, 2000. 24. Chin-Hsiung Wu,
Shi-Jinn Horng*, Yuh-Rau Wang and Li-Guo Jeng, ¡§Parallel Algorithms
for Vector Median Filtering,¡¨ Proc. of the 4th Int'l Conf. on Algorithms and
Architectures for Parallel Processing (ICA3PP2000), Hong Kong, pp. 240-251,
Dec. 11-13, 2000. ¥D«ù¹Lªº°ê¬ì·|pµe®×¤Î¨ä§Þ³N³ø§i ¥D«ù¹Lªº±Ð¨|³¡pµe®× 2. ±Ð¨|³¡ÅU°Ý«ÇSOC¾Çµ{99¦~«×¸É§U¡uESW´O¤J¦¡³nÅé¾Çµ{¡vpµe¥D«ù¤H¡F°õ¦æ°_¨´¡G 2010/02/01¡ã2011/01/31¡A®Ö©wª÷ÃB¡G±Ð¨|³¡¸É§U´Ú100¸U¤¸¡A¾Ç®Õ°t¦X´Ú30¸U¤¸¡A¦Xp130¸U¤¸ 3. ±Ð¨|³¡ÅU°Ý«ÇSOC¾Çµ{99¦~«×¸É§U¡u¶i¶¥FPGA¨t²ÎÂú«¬¾Çµ{¡vpµe¥D«ù¤H¡F°õ¦æ°_¨´¡G 2010/02/01¡ã2011/01/31¡A®Ö©wª÷ÃB¡G±Ð¨|³¡¸É§U´Ú100¸U¤¸¡A¾Ç®Õ°t¦X´Ú30¸U¤¸¡A¦Xp130¸U¤¸ 4. ±Ð¨|³¡ÅU°Ý«ÇSOC¾Çµ{99¦~«×¸É§U¡u¶i¶¥FPGA¨t²ÎÂú«¬¾Çµ{(±MÃD½Òµ{)¡vpµe¥D«ù¤H¡F°õ¦æ°_¨´¡G 2010/02/01¡ã2011/01/31¡A®Ö©wª÷ÃB¡G±Ð¨|³¡¸É§U´Ú70¸U¤¸¡A¾Ç®Õ°t¦X´Ú20¸U¤¸¡A¦Xp90¸U¤¸ ¾Ç³NªA°È(Academic
Services) ¾á¥ôµûŲ©eû¡Bijµ{©eû¤Î¤f¸Õ©eû¤u§@ °Ñ»P°ê»Ú´Á¥Z½×¤å¼f½Z¤Î°ê»Ú¬ã°Q·|¥D«ù¤u§@ ºaÅA (Awards) ¡@ @ Ápµ¸¤è¦¡ (Contact) ¡P Address: E501, Office of College of Electrical Engineering and Computer
Science or E505, Research Room ¡P ¡P
Professor, Dept. of Computer Science and Information Engineering, St. John's University
Dean, College of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, St. John's
University, 2009/08 ~ 2015/07
Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering
St. John's University, New Taipei City, Taiwan +886-2-28013131 ext. 6007 or 6774